Principles of measurement 量測原理 (updated: 04/14/2014)

Advance Ionospheric Probe (AIP) is an all-in-one plasma sensor to install on the FORMOSAT-5 satellite with sampling rate up to 8,192 Hz to measure ionospheric plasma concentrations (Ni), velocities (Vi), and temperatures (Ti and Te) over a wide range of spatial scales in a time-sharing way.

The AIP uses the following three sampling rates to acquire ionospheric plasma parameters:

  • NORMAL: 128 Samples/s.
  • FAST: 1,024 Samples/s.
  • BURST: 8,192 Samples/s.

Five basic measurement modes are listed as follows. More complex measurement modes can be realized via uploaded commands.
  • PLP: one electron temperature Te from an I-V curve per second.
  • RPA: one ion temperature Ti, ram velocity U, and ion composition Ci from an I-V curve per second.
  • IT: 128/1,024/8,192 total ion concentration Ni per second for NORMAL/FAST/BURST mode, respectively.
  • IDM: 32/256/2,048 sets of arrival angles θV and θH per second for NORMAL/FAST/BURST mode, respectively.
  • PRI: the AIP can operate PLP for one second, RPA for next second, and the IT/IDM for the third second sequentially. One Te , Ti, Ci , ion velocity Vi, and Ni are available every 3 seconds.