Science missions 科學任務 (updated: 04/15/2014)

Advanced Ionospheric Probe (AIP) is provided by Graduate Institute of Space Science, National Central University (NCU) for the FORMOSAT-5 satellite as a scientific payload. The AIP is an all-in-one plasma sensor with sampling rate up to 8,192 Hz to measure ionospheric plasma concentrations, velocities, and temperatures over a wide range of spatial scales. Once a comprehensive dataset is available from the AIP, a systematic examination of longitudinal and seasonal variations of the ionospheric parameters in the topside F region can be conducted for all latitudinal coverage. The transient and long-term variations of ionospheric plasma can be monitored in the upcoming solar maximum period and are beneficial to predict the trend of the space weather as well as the seismic precursors associated with earthquakes.

電離層的電漿極易受到自然界的作用而產生各項大小尺度的變化。特別是在赤道地區,由於 Rayleigh-Taylor 不穩定之作用下,在傍晚時會產生電漿密度不規則體(Plasma Density Irregularities)。以致於在某些特定頻段上的太空通訊便會受到干擾,或導致訊號脫鎖。在磁暴下,電離層會產生大規模的遷移運動,電漿密度會驟增或驟減,如此會影響通訊的頻寬與訊號傳遞的距離。在極區監控電離層離子流速變化,預警可能的太空通訊干擾。在平日時,電離層受到太陽潮汐與光電子解離作用,電漿會進行跨半球的傳輸與能量的交換。同時近年亦發現,在地震前,當地附近的電離層會出現規則的週期變化與電子溫度異常現象,也衍生出電離層地震前兆研究等。而在地震當時,電離層亦受到地震能量傳播的影響,產生同震效應。透過我們所提出的先進電離層探測儀,將可完整量測電離層的各項電漿參數,對探討這些問題提供有效的觀測證據。